

演员: Robert Levy




爱电影 暂时没有为您收集到播放资源!



傀儡公主 矢岛晶子、若本规夫 7.7
电影,电影,电影 Aleksei Polevoy、格奥尔基·维岑 8.4
1. 芦笋/
5. 饥饿/
9. 老师,别哭/ 09-02
10. 学爸/ 10-14
11. 女囚风暴1995/ 11-21
12. 坠落的审判/ 12-25




精灵消费原名:Consuming Spirits,

Consuming Spirits 16mm to HD, is an Independent feature animation, chronicling the lives of three characters who live in a rust belt town called Magguson, and work at its local newspaper The Daily Suggester. They are: Gentian Violet 42: Victor Blue 38: and Earl gray 64: first appear to be acquaintances. But as the film unfolds, we find they have a long diabolical history, revol...

cüe 2022-01-02


孤树傲海 2012-12-20


◾️ 2021-02-26

2019-09-16 01:47:59 当观众开始疲劳且这种谜团又开始被逐渐联系起来的逻辑解开时电影就开始变得没意思了 and the word I'm looking for is?

嘿哈 2012-12-15

Grittily evocative, surreal and heart pounding. The five chapters unfolds as a mystery, and the recurring imageries and themes become **** tangible. Loved the music and the "grotesqueness" of the cut outs. Director was quite emotional when invited to stage. Very experimental

按时对话法 2023-01-22

#6000 极优秀!不过《精灵消费》这个中文译名让人摸不着头脑 consuming spirits里面这个spirits应该是烈酒的意思吧。

EggyEmpanada 2015-07-06

"This is all relevant. Just be patient with me here." 一部非以极致的耐心而不可为的电影自然也会对观众有着不亚于此的要求,而当所有碎片在最后一章奇迹般的拼合到一起时,你很难不被那份刚刚还看似荒诞的梦境**忆骤然凝重决堤的感受所打动。一个关于家和救赎的故事因其种种的不完美而无比真实。


展映里最想看两部之一 配音很特别