从未有过的童年原名:No Child of Mine,
Thirteen-year-old Kerry is repeatedly sexually abused by several adults, including at one point her mother. Her father sets her up as a prostitute. Kerry finally calls Childline and is put in a safe house, where she tries to come to terms with what has been done to her. Based on a true story, with the names changed to protect the real Kerry's identity. - IMDb
naknang 2021-06-26
根据一个来自英国 10 岁女孩的真实故事改编,女孩被一个恋童癖团伙***,其中包括她自己的母亲,被继父**,被她的亲生父亲***,被一个普通的******,最后被一名护理人员**。
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