克里斯·德埃利亚:白人黑话原名:Chris D'Elia: White Male. Black Comic,
Powerhouse stand-up Chris D'Elia takes New Orleans by storm in his very first one-hour stand-up special. British dudes, drunk girls and bears on romantic dates at Applebee's. Hey, why is it that we are the only species that makes love, anyway? Chris D'Elia explains the hilarious truth and **** in this dynamic new special.
Maxthor 2020-01-26
Chris D'Elia在其首次喜剧特辑中表现得游刃有余,活力四射的表演加上超贱本色使得其现场即便包袱不深角度刁钻过头,也不影响观众对其现场的喜爱程度;当然现场**秀也依然可以看得出Chris D'Elia由始至终都喜欢的几个梗:女性性格、黑帮语气模仿以及英国口音。
cøsmic 2014-07-10
蛮好玩的 动作好多 怪不得undateable里动作也那么多【。
名字特别酷的人 2014-05-20
“**** around? no, i just want to ******** right in the *****!” chris d'elia属于那种自己边讲边笑、情急处比你还激动的人,学女孩、学英国腔、学黑人,表演型人格。(comedian里不多的偶像派,帅啦 ¯﹃¯
Melodía 2016-04-22