冲击头魂原名:Shock Head Soul,又名冲击头的灵魂
In 1903 Daniel Paul Schreber published Memoirs of ** Nervous Illness, one of the most remarkable studies of madness 'from the inside' ever written. Schreber was a successful lawyer, already well into middle age when he started to receive messages from God, via a 'Writing Down Machine'. He spent the next nine years confined to an institution suffering delusions of cosmic control...
Feline 2012-07-17
我**Patricia Pisters新书《Neuro-image》发布会上放映的一部电影,真是很适合用来解释德勒兹的电影理念以及精神**症。
消失酱 2012-08-14
没中文字幕所以最终也没明白到底要传达什么意思..但创造出一个水母打字球的这种创造力还是很惊人的..另外男主演技真棒 喝粥吐粥再喝粥那一段看得我着实心生敬佩......