超级戈登原名:Supermensch The Legend of Shep Gordon,
Mike Myers makes his directorial debut with this star-packed documentary about the fast-lane life of entertainment-industry legend Shep Gordon, who managed the careers of Alice Cooper, Blondie, Luther Vandross, and Raquel Welch — and still had time to invent Celebrity Chef.
焚紙樓 2015-05-01
一叶 2016-09-12
last 10 min made it worth the time
萵丗幬腩 2015-05-30
好看 shep gordon智慧过人 而且运气也***好(纪录片里有些故事不是很李菊福)也非常擅长利用自己的资源
刹那。 2024-07-01
Colman 2015-05-13
双层芝士 2014-11-30
Shep Gordon是个天才,纪录片前段讲述对Alice Cooper的包装简直是教科书... Mike Myers也是出于感激之心拍的这部传记式纪录片吧
赖** 2016-03-31
🦋🦋🦋 2015-05-31
最好的人物传记纪录片前十, 对音乐产业了解的够深才拍得出这种质量的片子,赞