

演员: 哈莱 朗东(Harry Langdon) Gladys Brockwell Alan Roscoe




爱电影 暂时没有为您收集到播放资源!



罗马之光 柯克·道格拉斯、赛德·查里斯 6.4
沙漠大血战 库尔德·于尔根斯、理查德·伯顿 7.3
1. 白衣修女/ 08-22
2. 银发女郎/ 02-02
4. 怒海惊魂/ 11-24
6. 周六午后/ 11-26
7. 恐怖之夜/ 11-27
8. 亚特兰蒂斯/ 12-01
10. 角斗士2/ 01-08
11. 唐探1900/ 03-07
12. 忠犬八公/ 10-12




长裤原名:Long Pants,

巽凌 2016-07-07

Gladys Brockwell —— 戏路还真广(一下Mother,一下Countess,一下Gold Digger的…)…Priscilla Bonner,还真没什么说的(暂时…);Alma Bennett(果然适合Vamp一类的角色);Betty Francisco,哦,原来是你(前Ziegfeld Girls的一员/ One Of The WAMPAS Baby Star Of 1923)

🌊 2024-09-28

The silent tells the story of Harry Shelby (Langdon) who has been kept in knee-pants for years by his mother. One day, however, Harry finally gets his first pair of long pants. Immediately, his family expects him to marry his childhood sweetheart Priscilla (Priscilla Bonner). Yet, Harry soon falls for Bebe Blair (Alma Bennett), a femme fatale fromthe big **** who has a boyfriend in the mob. Harry thinks that Bebe is interested in him as well, so he risks everything when Bebe ends up in jail. This leads to a lot of trouble for Harry. Throughout the whole ordeal Priscilla waits for Harry to face reality.

吞云吐雾狮子兔 2022-11-21


小囡 2010-11-03

@BFI with 小桃和小猫 第一次在影院看默片 钢琴伴奏狠有feel~

档案君 2020-01-03


暂时被** 2020-07-09

好莱坞20年代打闹喜剧片。哈里 朗顿。无资源。

乧牖zumio 2022-03-24

混乱无聊,淡白无趣。除了Alma Bennett扮演的魅惑妖娆的蛇蝎美人令人难忘,其余尽属等闲。