残酷的爱原名:Krutá lúbost,又名Cruel Love。创作于捷克斯洛伐克地区,由Martin Ťapák执导,集众多位玛格达·瓦沙里奥娃、朱拉什·库库拉、威廉·波洛尼等著名实力派明星加盟。于1978公映。
A film shot by the short story-Tetmajera Przerwu K. Gray eyes and runny M. ***** Heart. The protagonists of both stories are young women to be equally cry - Kristek. Fight for your love, love with both humility and abandonment, but when necessary, they can be decisive and uncompromising. One is in their love of cruel, a second waste it wrestles with poignant fragility and goodn...