Lyle Jensen is subject to sudden and violent outbursts, and he is committed to the juvenile wing of the Northwood Mental Institution. Several other youths are there with a variety of serious problems. Lyle interacts with other patients and staff on a human, and sometimes not so human level. The psychological problems of the patients also forms the fabric by which we see what's ...
brucas 2010-04-30
出乎意料地好啊。Very intense, sad but refreshing. 是那种言之有物、看完以后让人不断回想的电影。许多场景和对白让人印象深刻。我爱那些晃动的镜头和巨大的眼部特写。还有最重要的,JGL is so fucking hot!!!
summercamp 2010-09-06
狄尼司 2012-05-17
water 2010-10-21
预感一点没错啊 甚至好看得超预期! || Joe是问题少年专业户 这部里扮相尤其好看 || We all need the solution.
生煎馄饨秃子 2010-12-19
**缺帅风衣多 2010-09-25
一條魚佔滿了河 2011-08-14
Joseph Gordon-Levitt從童星逐步轉型時期的作品,三年後《Mysterious Skin》才開始令人注意到他演技上的進步。他和Zooey Deschanel首次**,片中兩人幾乎沒有對手戲,八年後《(500)Days of Summer》兩人成了銀幕情侶,並且開始
a little mark 2012-04-15
这片子真的好晃,感觉就像是拿DV拍出来然后剪辑一下,粗糙但是很真实。那个时候的囧瑟夫和佐伊,都是苍白又倔强。他们搂在一起接吻是片子里唯一温暖的地方。P.S 囧瑟夫演得好好!
十九。 2010-09-17
最亮台词:BATMAN IS A HOMO. All the ***** artists are fucked up.This painting,it has borders.That road is going nowhere. 喜欢长镜头。
扶栏者Y 2010-08-20