Bully. Coward. Victim. The Story of Roy Cohn在线观看和下载

Bully. Coward. Victim. The Story of Roy Cohn(2019)

演员: Cindy Adams Roy M. Cohn 托尼·库什纳 内森·连恩 约翰·沃特斯

上映时间:2019-09-29(美国) / 2020-06-19(美国)



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《Bully. Coward. Victim. The Story of Roy Cohn》剧情内容介绍

《Bully. Coward. Victim. The Story of Roy Cohn》


Bully. Coward. Victim. The Story of Roy Cohn

BULLY. COWARD. VICTIM. THE STORY OF ROY COHN takes an unflinching look at the life and death of infamous attorney Roy Cohn, who first gained prominence by prosecuting Julius and Ethel Rosenberg in what came to be known as the “atomic spies” case. Director Ivy Meeropol brings a unique perspective as the granddaughter of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg; havingspent much of her life ...

jessie 2021-02-01

power broker 谁不想结交这样的人物呢?! 他是不是爱懂王?对他这么好,可惜懂王最后抛弃了他,唉…有点同情他是怎么回事…

梨树 2022-02-28


Fever 2024-12-24

Roy cohn的面向实在太多了,层次感非常丰富的一个人物,说客、律师、黑白两道、不付账单、不开***、工作上是保守派、生活中是***、强硬的作风、脆弱的晚年、身边都是金发碧眼的帅哥,但是没有亲密关系,虽然得了***,对着屏幕矢口否认,主打就是从头到尾一句实话没有

[Deleted] 2019-10-14

对比Where's ** Roy Cohn?, 有重复的剧情包括与Trump的关系和最后对****的否认;这部戏初始的政治(麦卡锡、罗森博格审判)更偏向是个人职业的总结,但后半部性取向部分并不如前作的爆料(也没男友采访),侧面他人评述并没与他病入膏肓的采访面孔来的有说*力