Bullets combines a detective series with elements of a thriller and political drama. A special agent attempts to undo the plans of a terror cell of female ******* bombers. Bullets was shot in Finland, Belgium and Georgia. Starring Krista Kosonen, Sibel Kekilli "Shae in **** of Thrones" and Tommi Korpela.
FROSTFLY 2024-04-27
芬兰警方的**反恐工作的确让人无语,特工部门去哪了?芬兰没特工吗? 总得来说剧情还是有看点的,就是漏洞太多了,尤其大结局!不过不得不说欧洲电视剧才能拍出这种气质,粗线条的***🇺🇸则不行 北欧国家看起来不适合跨国拍大格局恐怖阴谋,容易垮掉,拍一般的犯罪电视剧就没问题 剧情/犯罪/悬疑/反恐,65分一般水准作品,15岁以下青少年儿童禁止观看,满15岁、18岁以下未成年人须在成年家长陪同下观看(分级警告)!
L'llariit 2019-08-22