别名:The PHD Movie
演员: Raj Katti Alexandra Lockwood
博学无术原名:Piled Higher and Deeper,又名The PHD Movie
Piled Higher and Deeper follows the lives of two graduate students as they learn to cope with life in grad school.
You don't get credit for having a life. 一把辛酸泪,欲辨已忘言了。
这些梗都切身体会过了哈哈 【借着开会都吃了三天free food了。。。
哈哈哈,无压力get全部笑点这样真的好吗……(-.-or you could go to a lesser institute such as MIT....)
so **** true! 电影结束的时候大家起身拿大衣,寒暄的都是同样的一句话,well, let's get back to lab.
选角无比靠谱重现了很多经典!!无名仔和中国男生都很可爱~最大的亮点还是Prof. Smith!!!还有You don't get credit for having a life看的我小眼酸了一下!!赞配乐~相当满意期待有续集啊!
about the graudate school life; it should be viewed by students who are deciding to pursue phd nor not.
感情和经历是真的,过于caricature了点。亚洲本科生弟弟亮了。Xiaodi Hou, 石家庄人,****的,现Caltech PhD在读。
cobblest 2011-09-24
梦溪 2013-12-12
You don't get credit for having a life. 一把辛酸泪,欲辨已忘言了。
sevenseas 2013-06-02
这些梗都切身体会过了哈哈 【借着开会都吃了三天free food了。。。
脫繮的蛇肉堡 2014-01-17
哈哈哈,无压力get全部笑点这样真的好吗……(-.-or you could go to a lesser institute such as MIT....)
风逸流苏 2011-11-04
Proton 2012-01-19
so **** true! 电影结束的时候大家起身拿大衣,寒暄的都是同样的一句话,well, let's get back to lab.
kidpt 2011-10-14
选角无比靠谱重现了很多经典!!无名仔和中国男生都很可爱~最大的亮点还是Prof. Smith!!!还有You don't get credit for having a life看的我小眼酸了一下!!赞配乐~相当满意期待有续集啊!
Bora Bora 2012-09-03
about the graudate school life; it should be viewed by students who are deciding to pursue phd nor not.
苗儿 2011-12-13
感情和经历是真的,过于caricature了点。亚洲本科生弟弟亮了。Xiaodi Hou, 石家庄人,****的,现Caltech PhD在读。
reneryu 2015-05-11