别名:Love for the game
演员: Florencia Peña Nicolás Cabré Romina Gaetani Isabel Macedo Gonzalo Valenzuela
Botineras又名Love for the game
The plot starts with the arrival to Buenos Aires of the football player Cristian Flores (Nicolás Cabré), who is bent on getting married with his girlfrend, Marga Molinari (Isabel Macedo). Flores was suspected of murdering Cappa, a rival player in Europe, and the police starts to investigate him. Laura Posse (Romina Gaetani) tries to investigate him by becoming a botinera and be...
Finn 2017-10-12
雖然Manuel & Lalo是HE,但感覺很淡,沒有特別印象深刻之處。
book 2011-05-27
OdileC 2013-08-14
肥皂剧不断死配角主角才有戏可以演嘛。俩人对望的puppy eyes倒是很可爱。
世界之王 2014-05-10
鲸鱼的肺 2011-08-07
只看到flaco coming out那部分就没了,使劲搜到了一个结尾,但是连个英文字幕都没有!不过是大团圆,太好了 想想也是 flaco就因为lalo的一句i love you就彻底沦陷 俩人一直互相支持和帮助彼此 编剧明显很偏爱这对儿嘛~
已然呆滞 2012-02-02
**,看到Flaco出柜的时候瞬间就泪崩了。求结局啊!Flaco好可怜!还有电影院那场真是*我萌点,不过我好像听到影院时那个女的亲了lalo后那一小段音乐好像是断背山里的吉他调子。看到别人的图里貌似阿根廷小清新基片Plan B的男主角在正剧里演了一个警察。
你猜 2011-04-22
flaco有点像开花,lalo有点像劳尔和艾玛的综合体囧。 阿根廷以及阿根廷足球完全*中我的萌点,SO……