黑色金属:一部纪录片原名:Black Metal: A Documentary,
Black Metal was originally a term that described the music of Venom, so it is only fitting that Cronos, the ***** forefather of this style, speaks his mind. Frightening attitudes clash as the truth is sought. Determine what is real and what is mere fabrication with the **** of Gorgoroth, Immortal, Darkthrone, Celtic Frost, Gloomy Grim, King Diamond, Dark Funeral, Enslaved, Mort...
dac 2017-07-03
Black Metal: A Documentary (2007)
多多 2012-03-13
这**。。。。= = 竟然还有***
寂寞小资陈潮暗 2012-12-11
笑死我了这帮**~~ 不过后来有个**说 将来的黑金属音乐跟“黑金属”一点关系都没有 这我同意