Bill Bryson: Notes from a Small Island在线观看和下载

Bill Bryson: Notes from a Small Island(1999)

演员: 比尔·布莱森




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《Bill Bryson: Notes from a Small Island》剧情内容介绍

《Bill Bryson: Notes from a Small Island》


Bill Bryson: Notes from a Small Island

Following his enormously successful book "Notes From a Small Island", American travel writer Bill Bryson sets off on a new tour of Britain. Starting at Dover, where he recalls his first disembarkation in 1973 to a land of rain, sweet tea and disagreeable land-ladies, his travels take him from Poole in the South to the Western Isles of Scotland. Along the way he encounters such ...

Stella 2013-01-04


Amphion 2020-05-21

冲着Bryson来的,老实说挺失望,画质不太行,bryson的讲诉语调低沉没有生气,换stephen fry应该会好很多吧