被遗忘的英雄原名:Страна Советов. Забытые вожди2,
The ******* provisionally titled “Forgotten Leaders” is a series of seven films, each featuring an individual from the leaders of the Soviet state in power during the time period from 1920 to 1953. Each episode is a filmed portrait depicting the story of life, political and public activities of its ****. The heroes of “The Forgotten Leaders” are individuals ambiguous from the p...
愚者 2021-07-30
一丘一壑也** 2020-07-05
葛罗米柯/米高扬/伏龙芝/奥尔忠尼启则/马林科夫/卢那察尔斯基/谢罗夫 合着各个都是鞠躬尽瘁的圣人