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Ball of Wax(2003)

演员: 特拉茜·丁维迪 Mark Mench Justin Smith




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《Ball of Wax》相关推荐

学爸 黄渤、单禹豪 5.9
犯罪都市4 马东锡、金武烈 7.2
1. 海关战线/ 06-14
2. 功夫熊猫4/ 04-10
3. 老板娘3/ 08-30
4. 孤注一掷/ 02-02

《Ball of Wax》剧情内容介绍

《Ball of Wax》


Ball of Wax2003年剧情、惊悚类型片,创作于美国地区,具有英语语言版本。由Daniel Kraus执导,集众多位特拉茜·丁维迪、Mark Mench、Justin Smith等著名实力派明星加盟。于2003-03-06公映。


Bret Packard is the best baseball player in the world. Bret Packard is rich, famous, good-looking, and set to win his fourth championship ring. But Bret Packard is bored. That all changes when a teammate is mysteriously stabbed during a ball field brawl. Using this violence as a springboard, Bret begins a new ****, a **** where only he knows the rules. Using his powers of persu...