

别名:Il giorno dopo...

演员: Ernesto Mahieux 卡洛塔·莫雷利 Roger Garth Gabriele Rossi Noemi Smorra



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血歌原名:Ballad in Blood,又名Il giorno dopo...

It's the day after Halloween. Jacopo and Duke wake up in the apartment of two girls: Lenka, the Czech Republic, and Elizabeth, English, both in Italy thanks to the Erasmus *******. The dawn of that new day brings with it a big problem: Elizabeth died. But there's ****, because none of the three remember what happened. Neither James nor Duke nor Lenka, remember what happened tha...

梦神 2022-01-03

Ballad in Blood 2016 1080p USA Blu-ray AVC DTS-HD ** 2.0