白牙传说原名:白い牙 ホワイトファング物語,又名Shiroi Kiba White Fang Monogatari
White Fang is born on the planes of Alaska to a wolf father and a half-wolf, half-dog mother. One day he and his mother run into an Alaskan inuit boy Mit-sah, who has long dreamed of a dog of his own, and by a marvellous twist of fate, the wolves are taken in by him and his father. But life in Alaska is harsh for humans and wolves alike, and as winter comes, hardships lie in wa...
鬼舞辻無惨 2022-07-02
玄〔已注销〕 2024-05-25
江上原远 2022-09-21
太公望 2023-09-16
无法拥抱的你 2020-02-20
韦🔥 2018-10-18
3.5☆ 还可以,不过无字幕的😂。孩子和野**为好朋友,野狗被抓去斗狗,后来得到自由回到大自然…
cassidy 2019-01-09
终于艰辛地happyending了 不枉我多次的泪水 杰克伦敦改编