A Vida Como Ela É...
Adaptations of 40 short stories of brazilian playwright Nelson Rodrigues, written between 1951 and 1961. The stories were considered scandalous at the time as Rodrigues used immoral characters and black humour to satirize the hypocrisy and repression in the society's daily lives.
故乡的晨曦 2020-10-18
改编自1951年至1961年之间的40位**剧作家纳尔逊·罗德里格斯(Nelson Rodrigues)的短篇小说。由于罗德里格斯使用不道德的人物和黑色幽默来讽刺社会日常生活中的虚伪和**,因此这些故事被认为是丑闻。总共分为CD四段式,时长6小时32分05秒,非常长的剧情粉红连续剧,可以说是意犹未尽。