Artur Schnabel: No Place of Exile在线观看和下载

Artur Schnabel: No Place of Exile(2017)

演员: Walter Arlen Jeanne Bamberger Rodolfo Augusto Faistauer Leon Fleisher Julia Flueckiger




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《Artur Schnabel: No Place of Exile》相关推荐

走走停停 胡歌、高圆圆 8.0
学爸 黄渤、单禹豪 5.9
1. 神偷奶爸4/ 06-08
2. 海关战线/ 06-14
3. 制暴/ 01-04
4. 孤注一掷/ 02-02

《Artur Schnabel: No Place of Exile》剧情内容介绍

《Artur Schnabel: No Place of Exile》


Artur Schnabel: No Place of Exile

The exiled Austro-German musician and composer Artur Schnabel was a giant of his time, but in Germany today he is nearly forgotten. Pianist and Schnabel devotee Markus Pawlik (in collaboration with baritone Dietrich Henschel and the Szymanowski String Quartet) brings Artur Schnabel's greatest compositions back to Berlin with a filmed commemorative concert. Along the way, Pawlik...