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Ann Vickers(1933)

演员: 艾琳·邓恩 沃尔特·休斯顿 康拉德·纳格尔

上映时间:1933-09-26(纽约) / 1933-10-06(美国)



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《Ann Vickers》剧情内容介绍

《Ann Vickers》


Ann Vickers

As the ***** War breaks out, Ann Vickers, a serious, independent and forthright woman, falls for an officer who jilts her before she can tell him she's pregnant. After an abortion, she throws herself into social work, stirring things up at a woman's prison and writing a best-seller about the experience. Back in Manhattan, she runs a halfway house for paroled women and meets an ...

虎珀鱼 2021-08-06

电影都快结束了Walter Huston才正式出来