Amy Winehouse In Her Own Words在线观看和下载

Amy Winehouse In Her Own Words(2015)

演员: Amy Winehouse




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《Amy Winehouse In Her Own Words》剧情内容介绍

《Amy Winehouse In Her Own Words》


Amy Winehouse In Her Own Words

A portrait of Amy Winehouse the artist threaded together from extracts from interviews she gave to the *** for a variety of documentary projects including the Jazz and Soul Britannia series on ****, much of which material is previously unbroadcast, blended with performances from across her career, including some which are also previously unbroadcast and unseen.  Winehouse had a ...

cozylee有好运 2016-03-03

我就是如此糟糕与脆弱 但这就是我想要的

陶阡陌 2015-12-21

「Yeah,I've felt that.」Ծ‸Ծ 如果时空能倒流 能有机会这样告诉你……

淡是 2015-11-03


席德 2015-11-17


碧落亦然 2015-06-27

当时拿到**,在车上听着Amy Winehouse的歌还想着说到了英国说不定有机会看到她现场,结果出发前就听到她去世了的消息,惊讶得不得了,现在看回***的纪录片,似乎觉得她不曾离开。

中二且酷🖖🏻 2022-12-22

People who had toxic relationship in childhood tend to have toxic relationships in the future.

Gia 2021-05-26

无法修复的心碎 破碎的**应该避免对一切上瘾 比如men, ***, alcohol,drugs

Sxxx 2016-04-04


变形的文科生 2016-07-07

"you are addicted to heartache. ""I don't care if you don't love me, I will lie down in the road, pull ** heart out, and show it to you."

Säger 2015-06-25

in her own words, in her songs