埃姆斯夫妇:建筑师和画家原名:Eames: The Architect & The Painter,2011年纪录片、传记类型片,创作于美国地区,具有英语语言版本。由Jason Cohn、Bill Jersey执导,并由Jason Cohn任编剧,携幕后团队创作。集众多位詹姆斯·弗兰科等著名实力派明星加盟。
The husband-and-wife team of Charles and Ray Eames were America's most influential and important industrial designers. Admired for their creations and fascinating as individuals, they have risen to iconic status in American culture. 'Eames: The Architect & The Painter' draws from a treasure trove of archival material, as well as new interviews with friends, colleague, and exper...
女宛心兑 2016-08-30
**电影 2012-06-19
Design is for living,他们所设计的作品,总是清清楚楚的告诉人们简明的结构及品质,他们的风格集机能型态的**与**的**语言于一身,简约且富有现代感,趣味而兼顾功能,圆滑而考究,外观精美而简洁。除了家具,他们的建筑、影像与平面设计同样很经典,色彩和创作热情最让人印象深刻。★★★☆
Atten.W 2012-04-09
live with play work with fun ,太美好了!很多设计参考性的东西,人生能找到如此伴侣真是什么也值了!
疾走 2012-12-03
A man cheats once, he will cheat again. Ray doesn't deserve this, or maybe it is *****. I feel hurt for her.
晓口袋 2019-04-01
Charles and Ray Eames wanted to make the best for the most for the least. Their career began with a utopian notion of providing low-cost,high-quality goods to the masses through industrial production.《十的次方》("Powers of Ten" for IBM,1977)既是经典教育影片,又是感情裂痕之作。
杜大队长 2012-11-04
片子不是给我这种完全没听过Eames的名字看的,无背景,不能很好地联想,所以觉得有点支离破碎。不过Eames应该是name dropper的必修词汇,所以多给点星推荐。
狐 2018-08-14
Anthony 2015-02-26
the best for the most for the least Eames cannot be separated Ray made Charles Charles made Ray like the connection between form and color Ray presented color and Charles for form
[已注销] 2013-01-27
做艺术,你需要搞清楚自己的IDENTITY,对自己的philosophy要有一个strong center,这样的话就不会拘泥于形式了,相反,cross-disciplinary是相当好的事情。另外,女性在art&design圈子里扮演的角色是很值得深入探讨的。
一萌 (Y) 2019-02-24