All I Want: A Portrait of Rufus Wainwright在线观看和下载

All I Want: A Portrait of Rufus Wainwright(2005)

演员: Rufus Wainwright Kate McGarrigle Martha Wainwright




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《All I Want: A Portrait of Rufus Wainwright》剧情内容介绍

《All I Want: A Portrait of Rufus Wainwright》


All I Want: A Portrait of Rufus Wainwright

A portrait of the singer as he recounts his Montreal childhood, his New York breakthrough, and his subsequent successes worldwide. Openly ***, Rufus provides a frank and revealing look at his life, including his going temporarily blind from drug problems. With comments by his sister and his mother, musicians Elton John, Sting, Neil Tennant ("Pet Shop Boys"), *** ?? ("Keane"), a...

外星病院 2019-07-10

"The ***** thing about hanging out with Rufus is that he's like about 12 years old." 这句话太真了!rufus永远是个小老可爱啊。老给突然出现十分惊喜,一样的kept me going,kept me company.以及,大概每一位艺术家都会经历类似"Poses时期",with a bunch of problems but never really **** up.

Lisseta 2013-07-28

算是对前一个时期的回顾吧。同志也好**也好,他音乐的深度和厚度一直在无限延展。从家人朋友和乐坛名宿眼中,看到了一个立体的Rufus,片中每段音乐的拼贴都令人深深迷醉。借用片尾那位女歌迷的话:I love all the influences that he has.他的身影,他的声音,在蒙特利尔的雪天,美得摄人心魄。

labarians 2015-08-31

众星云集,从小到大,一同见证一位当代古典*** icon的诞生。难得的是还有录制The Maker Makes的现场视*,竟然是one take。

≌**** 2020-10-07

好**啊 还记得当年听这位大哥的歌 一个疑问就是他为何唱歌不用换气啊 他写的歌都是一句连一句 别人根本唱不了