阿卡什和瓦尼原名:Akaash Vani,又名终成眷侣
The film starts with Akaash & Vani both setting out on their journey towards a common destination St. Stephens College, Delhi University. It so happens that the moment they meet, it becomes their life. As they walk towards their first class in the college, they are on their way to share life for the next three years.
vivi 2013-06-23
****哦~~~ 真是还好男萌女美雪景好~~ 可口可乐确实是很萌的~~ 雪地的夜晚居然有萤火虫~~ 太长知识了。。。哎~
九日空 2017-01-26
第三次cp 第一次正常;多一星给写实得可怕的女主不幸婚姻
琉璃蓝蓝 2014-01-20
薛定谔的暹罗猫 2018-08-06
wanney黄 2015-10-20
印度电影 看的不多 但每看的一部都特别棒 很美好
球球4400 2017-01-26
山楂 2016-02-20