A.K.A. Don Bonus在线观看和下载

A.K.A. Don Bonus(1995)

演员: Sokly Ny




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《A.K.A. Don Bonus》相关推荐

解放区 太田信吾、琥珀うた
国道20号线 伊藤仁、りみ
4. 来来/ 02-17
5. 想像/ 08-09
7. 暹罗/ 10-07
8. Oasis/ 10-29
9. 走走停停/ 07-11
10. 学爸/ 10-14
11. 神偷奶爸4/ 06-08
12. 海关战线/ 06-14

《A.K.A. Don Bonus》剧情内容介绍

《A.K.A. Don Bonus》


A.K.A. Don Bonus

This diaristic documentary follows Sokly Ny, an under-priveledged and under-represented immigrant minority student, through his final year of high school in the San Francisco Bay Area. Ny, A.K.A. Don Bonus, provides commentary on his life, recounting the difficulty and triumph of his everyday experience. The drama builds to a crescendo as the day of his graduation ceremonies co...

角儿 2018-10-01


离开翡冷翠 2009-03-18

as a independent doc its not sophiscated but touching

千叶ゃ 2021-04-23


Pincent 2020-11-20

78/100 #TorontoReelAsianIFF# raw and real

aRaRaR 2021-04-18

非常棒而且十分诚实的first person documentary *******有得看。柬埔寨**的高中生拿起摄像机记录自己的恐惧、悔恨和痛苦,包括对美国少数族裔族群之间相互关系的思考,二十年后,是否依然有效?推荐给每个人!

海桐 2024-03-19
