A Dark Place Inside在线观看和下载

A Dark Place Inside(2014)

演员: Chris Dalbey Kieran Boyle Rob Dimension Genoveva Rossi Dakota Jade



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《A Dark Place Inside》剧情内容介绍

《A Dark Place Inside》


A Dark Place Inside

To survive, Andy commits heinous acts of murder to find refuge from a world that is in essence mad, a world where we deny our true will, thoughts and desires. How many people like Andy commit heinous acts in their attempt to "cope" with an insane society? Andy has a very dark place inside.

朋克大帝 2015-09-10

冰恋题材 大胡子和**** 小血腥 最后吞枪**

Gore赞 2020-03-30

男主其实非常可怜 童年的种种阴影与不堪 和不属于童年的snuff画面 导致他精神恍惚 心理从小就开始病态 长大后**杀 迷恋不完整的** **动机与其说是满足自己更像是宣泄 同时反映家庭教育

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