亚当毁三观 第一季原名:Adam Ruins Everything Season 1,又名阿當話你知
"In Adam Ruins Everything", host Adam Conover employs a combination of comedy, history and science to dispel widespread misconceptions about everything we take for granted. A perfect blend of entertainment and enlightenment, Adam Ruins Everything is inviting, fast-paced and, above all, smart. Adam is like that friend who knows a little bit too much about everything and is going...
Meow🐈 2018-08-09
火猫 2019-09-28
芝士派学习。美剧看的少,感觉还不错,贱贱的亚当哈哈 里面很多细节设计挺有意思。想象力与幽默感,我们什么时候才有~
tina 2017-01-18
方布 2020-07-17
嘤嘤嘤格丽 2019-05-08
adam conover和lisa hanawalt是什么神仙眷侣
■■■■■ 2018-11-23
通常,一个Know it all 的形象非常惹人讨厌,比如剧中男主Adam。但同时他在剧里也是一个社交无能的怪咖,反而让他有一种“谢耳朵”式的可爱。每一集都针对美国社**谓“大家都知道”的常识提出疑问,然后主持人**迷思,结尾还小小升华抚*一下“认知被颠覆”的观众。
逆铭睡眼惺忪地 2015-12-25
坚果壳 2019-07-23
佛了 Adam以为自己无所不能是8?
Sunny 2017-10-19
EPISODE5餐饮, Adam的爸爸David O. Conover In Stony Brook University . Oceanography. Ecology. Evolutionary. Biology PhD. Marine Biologist.真看不出。。。