4-D的恶梦原名:"Alfred Hitchcock Presents" Nightmare in 4-D,又名Nightmare in 4-D
Harry Parker in apartment 4-D reads a lot of pulp fiction and watches a lot of late-night TV. That lends an air of inauthenticity to the story he tells his wife in the morning about what happened at two A.M. It seems the blonde in 3-D needed him to play Sir Galahad. At two A.M., she has a man in her apartment. And he's dead. "Miss Elliot, I can't get involved in a murder," says...
Cici_蔡蔡 2019-01-27
annie 2017-10-21
中年人的精神危机,婚姻状态连岌岌可危都算不上,貌合神离麻木不仁才是关键词。同一栋楼的金发女郎引发的血案,以及被撕碎的中年 couple。
scofieldd 2022-05-30
奥德乔恩 2023-08-17
untery 2015-04-15
MoCuishle 2024-06-29
S02E16 我猜中了开头,却没有猜中结尾;本来以为是金发妞儿栽赃有妇之夫;没想到是丈夫嫁祸妻子
Hinkly 2014-11-23