45 Days Away from You在线观看和下载

45 Days Away from You(2018)


演员: Rafael de Bona Julia Corrêa Fábio Lucindo Ícaro Silva




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《45 Days Away from You》相关推荐

阿尔贝托 Ricardo Teixeira、José Pimentão
西好莱坞汽车旅馆 Matt Riddlehoover、Andrew Matarazzo
1. 晒伤斑/ 01-10
2. 冰之岛/ 02-11
3. 迪达勒斯/ 12-05
5. 埃内斯托/ 04-22
6. 陌生的自己/ 10-24
8. 肩舞/ 06-08
9. 走走停停/ 07-11
10. 学爸/ 10-14
11. 神偷奶爸4/ 06-08
12. 海关战线/ 06-14

《45 Days Away from You》剧情内容介绍

《45 Days Away from You》


45 Days Away from You原名:45 Dias Sem Você,又名45天没有你

Five countries. Three friends. One broken heart  After a recent breakup with “a man who shall not be named,” young bachelor Rafael (Rafeal de Bona) finds his romantic life spinning out of control. With a change of scenery in order, he sets out on journey of self-discovery – an adventure that will take him from Brazil to England, Portugal and Argentina. Along the way, he seeks th...

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