喜悦人生原名:Comfort and Joy,
Excellent movie - the only sad thing is that it's taken me so long to see it. Quite different from Gregory's Girl: it's probably not quite as charming but I think it's equally quirky and has a better storyline. ***** acting as well, while managing to maintain that same freshness that we saw in Gregory's Girl.
发际线靠后 2021-11-06
青椒肥肠 2016-04-24
Ice Cream Film Night @New Glasgow Society
GrAyBluE 2021-11-24
3.5 苏格兰电影人对自己土地的热爱表现在每部电影都像宣传片。同理,苏格兰电影研究员对自己土地的热爱表现在不遗余力地向学生们推荐这些宣传片。 非常无厘头,苏格兰口音也太**了
hfxxx 2021-01-02
剥去精神污染的苏格兰口音,比尔·福赛斯还是相当有喜剧天赋的,不造这个片子为什么好像完全不出名,改天做个字幕推广一下吧,虽然结尾稍差一点,这个片子其实是有After Hours的味道了